
Why is Forklift Safety Often Overlooked?

Each year, nearly 100 workers in the United States lose their lives in forklift accidents, according to the National Safety Council. Thousands more are seriously injured in forklift-related incidents that could have been prevented. This evidence points to the conclusion that forklift safety is often overlooked in the workplace. Forklifts can be difficult to operate… Read More »

How can Outdoor Workers Monitor Their Health During the Summer?

Summer is a great time of year for everyone, but it does not come without its issues. It is a fact that workplace injuries more often occur during the summer months. Workers exposed to heat in a factory or the sun’s deadly rays outside are at risk to life-threatening illnesses. Whether it is the younger… Read More »

Overexertion and Falls Named Top Workplace Injuries

Overexertion injuries and falls are types of workplace injuries that are usually covered under workers’ compensation. Even though workplaces have gotten safer over the last two decades, the costs associated with workplace injuries have increased, even when adjusting for inflation. Overexertion injuries and incidents involving falls account for nearly half of all workplace injuries. Liberty… Read More »

How Can You Find the Best Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in New Jersey?

If you have been injured in a work accident or suffered an injury due to the nature of your job, then you most likely need to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer to handle your case. Workers’ compensation claims are quite different than other types of cases, such as motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice claims, and… Read More »

Importance of National Safety Month

The National Safety Council (NSC) recognizes June as National Safety Month, a time to reflect and reassess safety programs and practices in homes and workplaces. This year, National Safety Month occurs at an especially unique time. As the nation and the world faces the threat of COVID-19, it is now more important than ever to… Read More »

Lost Wages and Temporary Disability Benefits in New Jersey 

When a work accident happens, an employee is forced to deal with a loss of wages because he or she can no longer work. Lost wages can put an enormous stress not only on the injured employee, but also on the employee’s entire family. How is Temporary Disability Benefits Calculated? In New Jersey, an employee is… Read More »